Der britische Milliardär Sir Richard Branson hat einen Preis für Maßnahmen gegen den Anstieg von Kohlendioxid in der Atmosphäre ausgesetzt. Mehr dazu:
In der Endrunde befinden sich 11 Unternehmen, davon drei Biokohle-Firmen
The Biochar Company
The Biochar Company (TBC) is an integrated biochar technology, product development, marketing and sales company whose products improve human well being by addressing soil, water, air and carbon challenges.
Full Circle offers proprietary biochar products that are scalable and profitable in major agricultural markets around the globe – notably its BioCore TM and BioCharge TM offerings which are standardised and stabilised biochar products.
Black Carbon
The Danish integrated biochar systems company Black Carbon have developed their BC300 technology system that creates both biochar and energy from waste biomass.